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Elementing weapons and suits can be both advantageous and risky. Only weapons and suits can be elemented, and going beyond a certain point increases the risk of item breakage. To prevent item loss during failed elementing, Scroll of Sprotects are essential.

Consider the pros and cons of elementing carefully. Each element possesses strengths and weaknesses, outlined in the chart. Higher refinement levels result in increased damage dealt or reduced damage received.

Icon Name Min Max Description
Scroll Of Sprotect +1 +20 Cash Shop item to prevent a broken weapon after a failed upgrade attempt. Sprotects are still consumed whether or not the upgrade succeeds.
Flame Card +1 +20 Elements Fire Onto Weapons Or Suits
Desert Card +1 +20 Elements Earth Onto Weapons Or Suits
Cyclone Card +1 +20 Elements Wind Onto Weapons Or Suits
Generator Card +1 +20 Elements Electric Onto Weapons Or Suits
River Card +1 +20 Elements Water Onto Weapons Or Suits

Weapons begin to glow from a +4 upgrade. The glow brightness and size increases based on its upgrade. A +20 Elemental Upgrade looks similar to a +10 Elemental Upgrade, but with more glow.

1-handed Swords

Earth +20 Wind +20 Electric +20 Water +20 Fire +20

2-handed Swords

Earth +20 Wind +20 Electric +20 Water +20 Fire +20

1-handed Axe

Earth +20 Wind +20 Electric +20 Water +20 Fire +20

2-handed Axe

Earth +20 Wind +20 Electric +20 Water +20 Fire +20


Earth +20 Wind +20 Electric +20 Water +20 Fire +20


Earth +20 Wind +20 Electric +20 Water +20 Fire +20
  • elementing.1713982815.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/04/24 18:20
  • by Feel