====== Why Play Flyff Iblis ====== **Version History** * v15 (2017): The start of something great * v16 (2018): Building on the foundation. * v17-v18 Dungeons (2019-2021): More dungeons * World Boss and Colosseum (2023). * Kalgas Desert (2024): Our upcoming update **Features** Community-Driven International Server Flyff Iblis is shaped by its players. We listen to you. We frequently make polls. **Upgrade Scrolls and Prems with Penya** In Flyff Iblis, you can buy all the upgrade scrolls and prems(consumables) you need with in-game currency (Penya). Easy and fair for everyone. ^ Icon ^ Item ^ Price ^ | {{xprotect.png}} | Scroll of XProtect | 27m Penya | | {{gprotect.gif}} | Scroll of GProtect | 22m Penya | | {{sprotect.gif}} | Scroll of SProtect | 17m Penya | | {{aprotect.gif}} | Scroll of AProtect | 18m Penya | **Turn Dungeon Weapons into Cash Points** Got extra dungeon weapons? Trade them for Cash Points and use those points for cool stuff in the game. {{weapon_to_cash.jpeg}} **Earn Cash Points in Sieges and Hunts** Whether you’re battling it out in Low or High-Level Sieges, or hunting down Hoard'Em flying monsters, you can earn Cash Points. Spend these points on whatever you need, no real money required. **Great Rewards for New Players** Just starting out? We’ve got your back. Enjoy awesome level-up rewards and get a free +7 green armor set to kickstart your journey. **Exciting Sieges for All Levels** Join in on the action with both high and low-level sieges. Test your skills, earn rewards, and show everyone what you’re made of. **Classic Flyff with Modern Twists** We’ve kept the charm of the 2008 English Flyff but added modern updates to keep things fresh and exciting. **No Wipeouts Since 2017** Your hard work is safe here. We haven’t had any server wipeouts or ghost wipes since 2017. Play with peace of mind knowing your progress won’t be lost. **A Thriving, Long-Term Community** Flyff Iblis is one of the most populated and long-lasting Flyff servers around. There’s always someone to play with, compete against, or just chat with. Flyff Iblis mixes the best of classic Flyff with awesome new features, making it a great place for both new and old players. Come join us and see for yourself!