====== Yo-Yos ====== The yoyo is an underrated weapon due to its low attack damage. However, its melee attacks frequently knock back opponents, allowing extra hits while the monster recovers. This advantage can enhance your survival. ===== Normal Yo-Yos ===== Common weapons sold by NPCs up to level 80 and frequently dropped by monsters. ^ Icon ^ Lvl ^ Name ^ Atk Min-Max ^ | {{:Itun.gif}} | 15 | Itun | 32 - 33 | | {{:Slepint.gif}} | 15 | Slepint | 40 - 41 | | {{:Client.gif}} | 22 | Client | 43 - 44 | | {{:Tensu.gif}} | 27 | Tensu | 52 - 54 | | {{:Emporer.gif}} | 27 | Emporer | 64 - 65 | | {{:Dicein.gif}} | 34 | Dicein | 72 - 73 | | {{:Miragle.gif}} | 40 | Miragle | 96 - 97 | | {{:Ridener.gif}} | 40 | Ridener | 105 - 107 | | {{:Firee.gif}} | 47 | Firee | 116 - 118 | | {{:Immote.gif}} | 47 | Immote | 120 - 121 | | {{:Stencil.gif}} | 55 | Stencil | 131 - 132 | | {{:Repoyit.gif}} | 55 | Repoyit | 134 - 136 | | {{:Gelonde.gif}} | 64 | Gelonde | 160 - 161 | | {{:Wingful.gif}} | 70 | Wingful | 174 - 176 | | {{:Anakun.gif}} | 75 | Anakun | 187 - 188 | | {{:CirclesicaYoyo.gif}} | 80 | Circern | 209 - 211 | | {{:MiragehanderYoyo.gif}} | 85 | Mishend | 212 - 214 | | {{:Slinfes.gif}} | 90 | Slinfes | 224 - 225 | | {{:Akane.gif}} | 95 | Akane | 229 - 231 | | {{:Clantob.gif}} | 100 | Clantob | 243 - 244 | | {{:Enaphoon.gif}} | 110 | Enaphoon | 251 - 252 | | {{:Coroner.gif}} | 120 | Coroner | 259 - 260 | ===== Rare Yo-Yos ===== Rare weapons with higher attack and special bonuses, obtained from monster drops or quests. ^ Icon ^ Lvl ^ Name ^ Atk Min-Max ^ Effect ^ | {{:Dicein.gif}} | 15 | Toy of Iblis | 55 - 57 | Dex +2, ASPD +5% | | {{:Tritiumyoyo.gif}} | 25 | Tritium Yoyo | 64 - 65 | ASPD +5% | | {{:Firee.gif}} | 30 | Wheel of Wheelem | 90 - 92 | Hit +10%, Crit +3% | | {{:Repoyit.gif}} | 45 | Pulley of Clockworks | 122 - 124 | Elemental Bonus +3, Crit +1% | | {{:CirclesicaYoyo.gif}} | 70 | Yoyo of Ivillines | 208 - 209 | All Stats +3 | | {{:MiragehanderYoyo.gif}} | 85 | Qurion Yoyo | 211 - 212 | ASPD +3.5% | ===== Unique Yo-Yos ===== Highly sought-after rare weapons, dropped from Giants or crafted. Only these can be made Ultimate. ^ Icon ^ Lvl ^ Name ^ Atk Min-Max ^ Ult. Atk Min-Max ^ Effect ^ | {{:GuardianYoyo.gif}} | 60 | Guardian Yoyo | 207 - 209 | 355 - 359 | ASPD +10%, Def +30 | | {{:HistoricYoyo.gif}} | 75 | Historic Yoyo | 223 - 225 | 380 - 384 | Dex +7, ADOCH +28% | | {{:AngelsYoyo.gif}} | 90 | Angel Yoyo | 247 - 249 | 417 - 420 | Str +10, Dex +5 | | {{:LegendaryYoyo.gif}} | 105 | Legendary Golden Yoyo | 258 - 260 | 434 - 437 | HP +15%, ASPD +10% | | {{:Bloodyyoyo.gif}} | 120 | Bloody Yoyo | 271 - 273 | 455 - 457 | Dex +10, Def +100, HP +15% | ===== Soul-Link Yo-Yos ===== Rarest weapons, soul-linked to the player once equipped. Dropped as Ultimate Weapons from dungeon bosses. ^ Icon ^ Lvl ^ Name ^ Ult. Atk Min-Max ^ Effect ^ Drops From ^ | {{:LusakaYoyo.gif}} | 75 | Lusaka's Yo-Yo | 385 - 420 | ADOCH +20%, Dex +10 | Beast King Khan | | {{:LusakaCrystalYoyo.gif}} | 75 Master | Lusaka's Crystal Yo-Yo | 497 - 541 | Crit +10%, ADOCH +20%, ASPD +10% | Beast Overlord Khan | | {{:Vampire_yoyo.gif}} | 120 | Ultimate Vampire Yo-Yo | 497 - 541 | Crit +10%, ADOCH +20%, ASPD +30% | Drakul the Diabolic | | {{:Ancient_yoyo.gif}} | 120 Master | Ultimate Ancient Yo-Yo | 642 - 699 | Crit +40%, ADOCH +40%, ASPD +20% | Dread Drakul the Diabolic | ===== Baruna Yo-Yos ===== Utilize the Baruna Upgrade System. Cannot be turned into Ultimate Weapons. ^ Icon ^ Lvl ^ Name ^ Atk Min-Max ^ Effect ^ Drops From ^ | {{:Dementia.gif}} | 135 Hero | Dementia | 539 - 542 | Crit +32%, ADOCH +46%, ASPD +32% | (God of Death) Ankou | ===== v17 Ultimate Yo-Yo ===== ^ Icon ^ Lvl ^ Name ^ Atk Min-Max ^ Effect ^ Drops From ^ | {{:Jewel of Nightmares.png}} | 80 | Ultimate Jewel of Nightmares | 417-455 | ATK +8%, ADOCH +28%, ASPD +31% | (Queen of Thorns) Entaness | | {{:Typhoon.png}} | 95 | Ultimate Typhoon | 435-474 | ATK +9%, ADOCH +29%, ASPD +33% | (Terror) King Chiton | | {{:Viceroy.png}} | 110 | Ultimate Viceroy | 473-514 | ATK +10%, ADOCH +30%, ASPD +33% | Silverwing Duchess | ===== v17 Ultimate Master Yo-Yo ===== ^ Icon ^ Lvl ^ Name ^ Atk Min-Max ^ Effect ^ Drops From ^ | {{:Mystic Jewel of Nightmares.png}} | 80 Master | Ultimate Mystic Jewel of Nightmares | 539-587 | ATK +11%, ADOCH +31%, ASPD +32% | (Vile Queen of Thorns) Entaness | | {{:Majestic Typhoon.png}} | 95 Master | Ultimate Majestic Typhoon | 561-611 | ATK +14%, ADOCH +34%, ASPD +35% | (Abyssal Terror) King Chiton | | {{:Mastercraft Viceroy.png}} | 110 Master | Ultimate Mastercraft Viceroy | 610-664 | ATK +17%, ADOCH +37%, ASPD +38% | Ace Silverwing Dutchess |